September 1, 2017

Is Your Garage Safe for the Kids?

Is your garage safe for the kids?

You may become hesitant when you think about letting your kids play alone in the garage. This is the common mindset – that garages are unsafe for children.

However, we can change that.

There are plenty of ways that you can transform your garage into a safe space for the kids. You can even give them space where they can have fun playing sports, hanging out with friends, or just having another perfect place to relax.

You probably have a few unsafe substances stored in your garage, such as power tools, flammable liquids, or toxic paints. It’s not unusual to have these types of products in the garage, as garages are a popular spot for DIY projects and the storage of outdoor gardening tools. However, there are a few guidelines you can follow to be able to store your items while making the rest of the garage safe enough for kids to play in. With these few tips, you don’t have to worry about them hurting themselves or getting into something they shouldn’t.

Do what you know

Flex your common sense muscles while you scan the areas of your garage, looking out for anything that may be potentially dangerous. Do you already see ways that the problem can be fixed? Are you aware of what steps you can take to protect your garage for your kids? Here are a few common sense ideas to get you started:

  • Used closing cabinets for storage. This is much safer than using shelves, where products are too easily exposed and visible for kids to see. Hide your dangerous objects and liquids in cabinets. For further protection, invest in a lock as well.
  • Unplug your tools. Properly store away your power tools. Unplug them from the outlets, so the kids don’t accidentally turn them on.
  • Keep kids from climbing. Do you see any ladders, stepladders, stools, or other objects that can be easily climbed by a child? Do your best to get rid of these items for a safer garage. Kids love climbing things as they explore new areas. You can attach your ladder to the wall without a way for the kids to access it.
  • Lock the doors of your car. If there is a car in your garage while the kids play, make sure it is locked. You wouldn’t want them hurting their fingers in a slammed door, or hurting themselves on some of the car’s mechanical functions.
  • Remember that the garage itself is not a toy. There are plenty of ways that you can child‑proof your garage to create another safe space, but you must remind them that the garage is not a toy. Advise them never to push the garage door opener button, as it can be easily tampered with. A typical garage control panel is installed at least 5 feet from the ground, which is typically out of reach for smaller children anyway.

A double garage door may also have with reinforcement struts, which should NEVER be climbed. Inform your child that climbing this garage door is very dangerous, and can damage the integrity of the door. Plus, the child can easily trip and hurt themselves as well. Make sure your kids know that they need to stand back from the door when it’s being opened and closed, as it is best for their safety.

  • Always keep a close eye on your kids. Although the garage may become safe enough for the kids to play unsupervised, it is still a good idea to keep a close eye on them. If you are in the kitchen, you can leave the inner door to the garage door open, so you can hear them playing while you prepare food.

If you still aren’t sure

If you need more help deciding how to make your garage a safe space for your kids to play in, contact us at any time by calling 709-368-7222. Our experts can help to assess your door and let you know that it is not dangerous for your kids. We can even provide a tune‑up service for you.

If you operate by email, be sure to request a quote from us. We can visit you and consult you about your options if you are looking to buy a new door. If you are considering multiple designs, we encourage you to visit our design center, where you can upload a picture of your home and virtually design your own garage door for visual validation. Be sure to look at our image gallery for more inspiration as well.


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